Guest Blog by Hazel the dog: Baby’s Walking? Big deal. I walk everyday.

So, the baby started walking this weekend. Mom and Dad were all excited about it. They clapped and laughed. Big deal, I thought. I’ve been walking for ages. It’s not that hard. I went back to my toy. It is a really great toy. I thought my parents would love it too, but when I showed it to them they only looked at it and went back to clapping for the baby.

For real? Are they clapping for this guy? He’s not even doing any tricks! He’s just standing there. These people will clap for anything.

I’m just going to say it: the baby is not that impressive. Let’s look at the facts:

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7 Reasons Parenting is just like “The Amazing Race”

One of my favourite shows is The Amazing Race and the Canadian version, Amazing Race Canada. I love watching the teams travel the world while completing interesting and often hilarious tasks.

This, my friends, is just like parenting. How so? Well, I’m glad you asked.

Here are 7 reasons parenting is just like The Amazing Race. (Spoiler: it’s not the money and prizes…unless you are my kid after a visit from his 6 grandparents.) Continue reading

Why I love baby-led weaning

First, in case you haven’t heard this term before, let me translate. Baby-led weaning is a way to introduce solid foods to babies. Basically instead of mashing or pureeing food, you just cut it into large pieces and allow them to gum it/suck on it. Eventually they learn to take bites, chew and swallow the food. There are lots of sites to Google, if you want more information about this.

When I first heard of baby-led weaning, I dismissed it. (Actually, I believe I told my husband that it was “some hippy s*it”.) Anyway, I take it back. I happily admit that I was wrong because I love baby-led weaning. Like LOVE it. We started it with my son when he was 6 months old and now, at just over a year old, he eats most foods happily and feeds himself. I have never done purees, or had to sit down to two dinners because we had to spoon feed him his food first.  We eat all together using most of the same foods.

Here are some things to know about baby-led weaning:

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Surprising Things I did During my Maternity Leave

We all know that maternity leave is not for the faint of heart. Even as a first time mom, I thought I knew what to expect during my year-off. I expected to feel exhaustion, uncertainty, love and frustration. I got all of that and more.

As every mother knows, maternity leave, like parenting in general, is full of surprises. I got lot of those as well.

Here are some things I did not expect to do during my maternity leave:

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I want to go back to work and I don’t feel bad about it

Today is my first day back at work. Before you offer me a tissue, I am actually very happy about it.

I have been on a maternity leave for 1 year with my son. I have enjoyed the time and feel lucky that my country allows me to take a year of leave. I feel a little nervous about heading back, but overall I am looking forward to going back to work.

This can be a hot button issue for new moms. I know that some new mothers will read this and be completely mystified about why I would want to return to work and put my son in daycare. They will stay home for a variety of reasons. Some will go back to work, but count the minutes until they can return to their kids. I am not this person. I make no judgements about how you decide to care for your children, but I don’t think I am going to be the mom crying in the car after dropping her son off at daycare on my first day of work. I want to go back to work, and I don’t feel bad about it.

Let me explain: Continue reading

The Last Thing you Want to Hear When you Call the Hospital in Labour

It has been a year since the birth of Baby MB and I am finally ready to write about it.

First, he was super late. Super, unbearably late. You can read my other post on that part here.

I began feeling contractions for 3 days before his birth, which were irregular and got my hopes up, but each day passed with no baby. Finally the day after my own birthday I woke up feeling pretty sure I should call the hospital. When I did, I was absolutely shocked at what they said.  Continue reading