Goal Setting as a Mom – The Struggle is Real

“I think we need a new shed,” my husband said, looking out at our neglected and overgrown back yard.

“Maybe we can get a kit and I’ll build it,” I said.

He looked at me like I was delusional.

“Do you really think this is a good time to commit to building a shed? We can’t even commit to putting away the laundry.”

Well, he has a point. He had also caught me at my new habit – making goals that I cannot possibly complete. Is this a thing other new parents do? Maybe it is the freedom of nap time or the nice weather, but suddenly I am brimming with tasks I can’t wait to complete.

There is just one thing standing in the way of my burst of productivity and the completion of all of my brilliant ideas. Yes friends, only one thing can stop me now – and it is currently crawling over to splash in the dog’s water dish.

Hey kid, can I have some?

As a parent of a newly mobile baby, I spend most of my day chasing him around and picking up after his destruction. If a task cannot be done in 35 seconds, then it will not be done until nap time.

As such, I have had to re-evaluate my rather over-ambitious goals. Here are some examples: Continue reading